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Selasa, 17 November 2009

Making confidential report

Company D has been a supplier for 9 months and supplied goods on 30 days credit to a lilmit £ 2000. This problem is done when the hotel has normally pays after second reminder.

Making an informal letter of congratulation

Dear laura

I recently heard the news that you have been out from the hospital. I’m so greatful to hear that. You must take a more rest at home so you can health like before. I’m as your manager really need you to comeback to our office centre in New York city after you are on a good condition. I hope you can join with us like before and god bless you.

Yours sincerely,

General manager

describing location

* Scotish sport complex is in Aviemore.It is situated in area which is for leisure and recreation, one hundred and seventy five kilometers north of Glasgow and fourty eight kilometers south of Iverness

* Norwegian hotel is in Alesund. It is situated in an area which is for tourism, two hundred kilometers south of Trondheim and three hundred and twenty kilometers west of Oslo

letter of refusal

Dear Mr.keanu

proposed for a grant loan
thank you for your letter of october 3rd. after careful consideration we regret tha we are unable to give you a grant bank loan.because theres so many thing that made us not sure about your of terms of our bank if you want to have a grant bank loan you must have enough collateral but you insufficient collateral and your bussines is new established.if you want to have a grant bank loan please try to make counter proposal to make our bank can count how much you can gave the collateral to us,we had third party guarantee. next time we hope u can make peoposed of a grant loan with favorable terms. thank you again for your proposed.

your sincerely,


making an enquiry and booking accomodation letter

dear sir,

i would like to reserve room for the nights of october 23rd and 24th .i would very much appreciate a large room because 30 people will be attending to the conference. because there are so many thing that will be discused and have to presentasion. i will need electric sockets for an overhead projector and sreen . could you please confirm that there is a buffet facilities because we need a lot of foods and drinkd to 30 people for two days.

yours faithfully,


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